Please use the attached check request and mileage request. Please note that as of July 1, 2022 Odyssey House has raised the mileage to $0.56 per mile.
Sarah Hertig, People Attraction Coordinator - Administration
Sarah is an absolute ROCKSTAR! She is always willing to lend a helping hand and takes on so many tasks that increase our staff retention. She is actively working on our service award program rewards, numerous employment verifications for our staff, and the operations for our bonuses. All of these things are motivators to help keep staff around. This doesn't even mention most of her core job functions. Furthermore, Sarah is a "doer". I have consistently asked her for help, and she always gets it done. I never have to worry about Sarah completing something I hand off, which allows me to focus more on my work. I know many others do the same and Sarah gets it all done. I've taken note of countless small acts of service from Sarah over the past year and haven't found a way to share how much I appreciate her contributions and attitude until thinking about the cornerstone award. She hands-down deserves the award for how much she does for our staff that makes them enjoy working at Odyssey. Sarah is one of a kind and we are incredibly lucky to have her on our team!
Thomas Rector, Therapist
He came to work at DT as a therapist at the time we were getting ready to make the big switch. I remember telling him how worried I was about him possibly getting overwhelmed because he would need to learn UWITS only to switch to Cerner in a few weeks, he reassured me he would be fine. He was more than fine; he was amazing and continues to be a rockstar in this house every single day. Thomas is always the first to volunteer anytime we ask for help, he's currently teaching other staff members to use Cerner, he's not afraid to speak his mind or share ideas, taking client's needs and wellbeing into consideration first. His humorous and cheerful disposition is like a breath of fresh air and a great addition to this team!!
Alexia Young, Medication Technician
Alexia came to work as a Med Tech at Lighthouse and hit the ground running. Since day 1 Alexia has asked clarifying questions about the med room, odyssey house and any policies and procedures that she may not know about. Alexia is quick to think on her feet and shows compassion, sympathy and empathy to all of our clients. Alexia continues to show up and is adaptable to any situation or scenario that happens. Alexia trusts her training when it comes to client issues and continues to hold herself, other staff and the clients accountable. Alexia is flexible when it comes to covering other houses when they are in need of a strong med tech, and she takes her role in the med room seriously. Thank you so much Alexia for all the hard work that you do!
Doyle Smith, Behavioral Health Tech
Doyle is awesome to work with. He’s very passionate about helping the clients. Clients love him and so does Staff. He’s able to hold very strong boundaries at the same time show real care and concern for client's well-being.
Hairee Daniels, Behavioral Health Tech
Hairee is always positive and comes in with a great attitude. She is an awesome leader for the house and very knowledgeable.
Gon Lam, Family Nurse Practitioner
Gon's willingness to step up and support the team in seeing patients during a provider's leave has been amazing. She has supported the clinic and admissions with a positive perspective and a heart to make sure all our patients are provided the care they need. Her willingness to go out of her way to help support the provider team with the Cerner transition was incredible. Anytime I asked for help she always said yes and then went above and beyond. I am so grateful for her and her service to our patients!
Ally Tovar, BHT Supervisor – Women’s Mental Health
1. What to say about Ally... Well she is our new BHT supervisor and she has been killer at it since the day it was announced she got the position. She stands up for her staff and makes sure they're heard and taken care of. We recently got a new BHT and Ally created a hand-made folder with a letter from herself, introducing herself and welcoming the new member to the team. She made sure she met with the new member the day they started to ensure they had a warm welcome. Recently I had a hard week, Ally noticed and asked if I was okay multiple times and made sure I was putting myself first. She thanks me often for the work I do, and as everyone knows that goes a long way.I could go on and on but overall Ally is amazing and has helped not only me but all the BHT's at WMH.
2. Ally has been extremely welcoming and helpful to me in my new position with WMH. She is always letting me know that she is here to help in any way, she is extremely optimistic. Ally is such an asset to WMH, the clients absolutely adore her! Thank you, Ally, for everything you do for WMH! We love you!
Jacob McBride, Clinical Coordinator – Sugarhouse
As Clinical Coordinator at Sugarhouse Outpatient, Jacob has been a steady figure through a difficult time with staff transitions and system transitions. He is always thoughtful and willing in his approach with clients, staff, and even administrative tasks. His calm presence has made a huge difference in making changes seem less stressful. His reliability and dedication to our mission and purpose at Odyssey is a shining example to staff and clients alike. I think without his willingness to step in and step up and his calm and reassuring demeanor these transitions would have had a more negative impact on both staff and clients alike. Jacob has held the fort at Sugarhouse and held it steady.
Amy Parker, Clinical Director – Parent’s Program
Amy is a very dedicated employee and is very supportive of the program and the staff. If there is a need, Amy will step in to make sure she does whatever is needed to support the program and her team! She has recently worked very early mornings and late into the evening to support the urgent agency efforts to fix problems in Cerner. I am proud to have Amy on our team and so happy with her dedication to jump in and focus on solutions.
Denisse Gonzales, Therapist – School Based Services
Denisse has been working really hard to increase her caseload, she is willing to accommodate and be flexible in order to meet the client's families need. In the month of October she completed 7 intakes, in addition to providing services to her ongoing clients. Denisse has also put in time to learn more about play therapy to use with her clients. Good Job Denisse! You are a Rock Star!!
Taiana Hambleton, Behavioral Health Tech – Boarding Homes
Tay brings a lot to the Boarding Home she is fierce when it comes to her job, she is open minded and is willing to learn at all times her passion to grow is something to be admired. Thank you, Taiana!
Mike De Leon, Behavioral Health Tech
I have worked with Mike close to a year and he is one of the most dedicated and dependable employees I have worked with since I have been at Odyssey. His ability to communicate and show compassion and understanding to our young clients without them feeling judged or misunderstood is amazing. He is very quiet and reserved, yet he still remains to be professional and hold the clients accountable while making it a learning moment for them and still feeling safe. Thank you, Mike.