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Cornerstone Award Winners



TEAM ADMIN, ADMISSIONS, MARKETING, FINANCE -- Chloe Anderson, Medical Assistant - Admissions
I am thrilled to nominate Chloe for the Corner Stone Award in recognition of her remarkable contributions and positive impact since joining our admissions team as a Medical Assistant. Chloe's arrival has breathed new life into our department, and her professionalism, expertise, and infectious positivity have quickly made her an integral part of our team.

From the moment Chloe joined us, she brought with her a wealth of experience and knowledge that has proven invaluable in our day-to-day operations. Her strong work ethic and willingness to go above and beyond have set a shining example for her colleagues, inspiring us to reach new heights.

One of Chloe's most outstanding qualities is her ability to foster a positive and inclusive work environment. Despite being new to the team, she has seamlessly integrated herself into our dynamic, bringing with her a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that has helped elevate the atmosphere. Chloe's warmth, kindness, and approachability make her a joy to work with, and it is clear that she genuinely cares about the well-being of her colleagues.

Furthermore, Chloe's positive attitude and willingness to embrace new challenges have had a transformative effect on our team. She approaches each task with enthusiasm and determination, always seeking opportunities to learn and grow. Her adaptability and resilience in the face of adversity have been truly inspiring, and her presence has helped us navigate even the most challenging of situations with grace and optimism.

In summary, Chloe is a shining example of what it means to be an outstanding newcomer. Her professionalism, expertise, positivity, and team spirit have made a significant impact on our department, and she is truly deserving of this recognition. Thank you, Chloe, for everything you have done to enhance our team and our workplace culture. We are incredibly fortunate to have you as part of our team..

TEAM ADULT RESIDENTIAL – DOWNTOWN -- Samantha Berglund, Counselor
Sam is an important part of our team she took on compass co lead after only being here for a short time. she truly cares about each and every client. she is always ready to great everyone with a smile, even so she is there for any need that may arise she often helps clients who are not part of her caseload. her door is always open, to help or just to talk for a bit. she brightens the day of any and all the people who speak with her. she is truly dedicated to helping people deal with the difficulties in there lives. for her dedication and heart i believe she exemplifies the word cornerstone as without her so many things would fall to the wayside.

TEAM ADULT RESIDENTIAL – LIGHTHOUSE -- Alex Maguire, Residential Nurse Manager
I wanted to recognize Alex for her superior supervision. She is by far the best supervisor I have had to date. Alex is always professional. She puts the clients care and concern first. She is patient, kind, encouraging, and supportive. I am never uncomfortable asking for guidance, She is always willing to share her knowledge with me, so I can best do my job. Alex always steps up and helps when help is needed, even when she is not working. She has a way of discussing situations where I may need correction without ever making me feel bad. She is funny and a pure joy to work with.  

1. Liz goes above and beyond in her position. She came here from IOP, running Voyagers group. Since coming to residential TC, she has taken on a full client case load, and groups. She was able to do so, with much grace and patience. Her flexibility is such a great example for all of her coworkers. Liz has lent a helping hand to our newest therapist, seeming to be a great mentor for incoming clinicians. I hope she can be recognized for her ongoing passion and patience here at Odyssey House.

2. She has gone above and beyond for the clients in the facility since the day she got here. She steps up and assists the clients get connected to resources, and has even been able to assist a client in finding their lost adoptive mother. She shows empathy and care and builds rapport with the clients by showing how her work gets results through the actions she takes. We are grateful to have her on our team!

Casandra is always on top of her game! She is a leader to us all in many ways. When it comes to work, she is always reliable, consistent in her ways. When I started she gave me suggestions to help me in my position, to this day she is constantly checking in with me and helping correct any of my mistakes to learn from and always helping with any goals we as staff have. She has created. Team atmosphere among the BHTs and encourages us to work together always. When it come to the clients, Casandra treats them all as adults and is always working with them to stay on top of their program and be better than they were the day before.

TEAM CLINIC -- Jessica Arbogast, Nurse Practitioner
Jess cares deeply about her patients and their wellbeing. Last week we had a patient who was struggling with withdraw who came into the clinic for help. He was agitated and frustrated and in pain. He didn't want anything to do with anyone, but needed help still. Jess was the provider on this patient. I watched as Jess filled a bucket up with warm soapy water, and brought it into the patient's room. Confused and pacing in the room, he asked what the soapy bucket of water was for? Jess then said, "we are giving you a pedicure! Everyone loves a pedicure, have you ever had one? There is something magical about soaking your feet in warm water." The patient seemed to completely melt as i watched as his barrier walls broke down and he became compliant and gentle again. We soaked his feet for 20 minutes while Jess chatted with him and he was able to communicate with effectiveness. We clipped his toe nails after they soaked, and dried his feet with towels. He was so grateful and completely taken back with this act of above and beyond kindness. It was amazing to witness!


TEAM MENTAL HEALTH; WOMEN’S / MEN’S, CRIMINAL JUSTICE -- Sean King, Correctional Counselor – Criminal Justice Program
I would like to nominate my co-worker Sean King, as a co-worker and an agent of change for our clients. He shows up in many aspects for our clients and for our team including, running AA meetings within the jail to help our clients to stay connected along with going to other locations of Odyssey doing the same, participating at practices and games for the new CATS ALUMNI SOFTBALL TEAM, and coming to CATS Alumni to support our clients and me. These are all things that take personal time and dedication. Sean shows up to work with a positive attitude and willingness to do what he can to help our team to be as efficient as possible without complaining which I love and admire about him. Sean reaches out to me ever Monday via IM just to say hi and asks how I am doing, this makes me feel cared for and seen. The more we say the better chance the individuals we nominate have in winning, I don't know that I could say much more, the things I have expressed are what help me to keep going and want to do the best I can in showing up for our clients and our team. Thank you Sean, thank you for being you, showing up for our clients, Odyssey House, and me day in and day out.

TEAM OUTPATIENT; SUGARHOUSE / REDWOOD -- Claire Larson, Therapist  – Sugarhouse
Claire is an AWESOME part of our team! We recently received some big and last minute requests from SLCo about a clients funding and she jumped right on it. She put together a UCE for them the same day and helped us secure funding for a client who was in funding limbo. She didn't even make a grumble about it which is impressive because those county requests are not fun! This type of dedication extends to her individual clients as well. She is still new to the OP team but I have really appreciated having someone so caring and attentive on the team. 

TEAM PARENTS & CHILDREN SERVICES -- Samantha Sorensen, Therapist – Parent’s Program
In a world where selflessness can sometimes feel scarce, Sam stands out as a beacon of kindness and compassion. Her willingness to take on more than her fair share, to lend a helping hand wherever it is needed, is nothing short of extraordinary. It seems there is no task too daunting for her, no challenge too great to deter her from extending aid to those around her.

But it is not just the quantity of her assistance that impresses; it is the quality as well. Sam approaches each task with unwavering dedication and a genuine desire to make a difference. Whether she is assisting a colleague with their workload or offering guidance to those in need, she does so with a grace and humility that is truly admirable.

What's more, Sam is not content to simply excel in her own duties; she goes above and beyond to ensure that others are supported in theirs as well. She leads by example, demonstrating the value of teamwork and cooperation in achieving common goals. Her willingness to share her expertise and lend a helping hand not only lightens the load for others but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and unity within our community.

In a world that can often feel divided and chaotic, Sam presence is a reminder of the power of kindness and the importance of looking out for one another. She is a shining example of what it means to be truly compassionate and selfless, and I feel fortunate to have her as a colleague and friend.

TEAM SCHOOL BASED SERVICES & YOUTH EXPEDITION -- Treshain Elerson, Therapist – School Based Programs
Thank you Treshain for representing Odyssey House well at Horizonte High School! You have done such an amazing job at the school and build these great connections within your school and district.

This is the recognition we received from the school: "As an integral part of our school community, your dedication and commitment to providing invaluable mental health services have had a profound impact on the well-being of our students.

In recognition of your outstanding contributions, we would be honored to present you with the School Community Partner Award. Thank you for your invaluable contributions to our school community. We look forward to celebrating your well-deserved recognition together."

TEAM TRANSITIONAL SERVICES, BOARDING HOMES & FACT -- Jake Thomas, Behavioral Health Tech – Boarding Homes
Jake has been a shining star here at Jasper since day one Jake has been involved in these men's life's coming up with ideas to make their everyday be more meaningful. Movie nights and various ideas to try and make the community just a little bit better. He has firm boundaries with the men but is there to support when he is needed thank you Jake for the support you give!

TEAM YOUTH RESIDENTIAL -- Isabella Bohn, Therapist
1. Bella has been an incredible addition to the clinical team. She is client centered, and kind. She is not afraid to ask questions, but also happy to help with covering family therapy sessions or individual sessions with her lower case load at this time. Bella is responsible, a positive force, and always willing to learn and listen to others perspectives. Bella has been already an important pillar of support and consistency for the kids in our house and for the staff. Bella does an incredible job navigating difficult behaviors and clients! She fits in beautifully with the 'fly at the seat of your pants' environment that we work in, and rolls with the punches like the rest of us. She is confident in herself, and her ability, and it shows the way she interacts with her caseload and the rest of the house. She is a perfectly shaped cog for our clock! I couldn't ask for a better coworker in a time where the adolescent house has been in a swing of change and upheaval. She has been an integral part of our success since she started working for OH Adolescent!

2. Isabella is brand new to the team and is coming in swinging! She is asking questions, eager to learn, happy to go the extra mile to be helpful, and is showing amazing promise to our clinical team. She has already taken on 3 clients, with more to come and is excited and ready for the challenge. She comes with a great attitude, and excellent ideas to help make our program better. She brings confidence and poise to her therapist position, and I am excited to see how Odyssey House will be help her grow as a therapist. She helping our clinical team regain some vigor and excitement, and it's making an impact on our kids and our staff.