People in Recovery, 14+

Serving individuals ages 14 and above, Martindale is mindful of addiction, medications prescribed, and any mental health needs.

one stop for mental & physical health

Staff addresses both mental health and physical health during your visit, integrating your medical care.

medical home for life

Once you connect with Martindale, you have a medical home for the rest of your life for both your medical and mental healthcare needs.

care coordination

Martindale can connect you with community services based on your unique physical health, mental health, and lifestyle needs.

recovery focused medical services

Routine & Preventative Care

The clinic team provides medical services including physical exams, primary care, and will treat you anytime you get sick.

Medication management

Whether you have mental health or physical health medications, the Martindale team can help you manage all medications together.

Hep C Treatment

Martindale specializes in treating Hep C. If you have a Hep C diagnosis or concerned you were exposed, we are here to help.

Trauma Informed Care Icon

Mental health services

Martindale screens and treats for mental health needs. Providers are licensed to prescribe and manage medications for mental health.

vivitrol injections

If you are struggling with cravings, Vivitrol is a non-addictive option to help support you in your recovery.

STD Testing & Contraception

Overall sexual health is very important to healthy living. Martindale can help screen for STD's and provide contraception if needed.

Contact Us

Office - (801) 428-3500
Fax - (385) 227-8362
743 East 300 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84102

Clinic Hours

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri
8 AM to 5 PM

9 AM to 5 PM

Walk-In Hours

Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri
8AM to 4 PM

9 AM to 4 PM

If you have an emergency, call 911.


In-Network w/most Commercial Insurances
Out of Network Plans Accepted
Utah Medicaid
Sliding Scale (for those who qualify)